Saturday, September 20, 2014


Call me crazy, but we're starting to homeschool Hudson this fall.

Honestly, it's nothing we're not already doing really except it's a tad more organized and intentional.  Of course, our kid's a genius already.  Kidding.  Not really.  In all seriousness he can sing the ABCs, recognize a handful of letters, count to 10, recognize several numbers, count items to ten, knows all his colors, and all the shapes. All this he's learned without any intentionality on my part so I'm excited to see how he'll progress with a little planning on my end.

I found this curriculum online through a pinterest search.  I liked it because it was basically free (wahoo) and was easy-going.  My two-year-old doesn't need to sit still and look at flashcards all day.  He needs to run, play, manipulate things, read books, do arts and crafts; basically play with an emphasis on learning along the way.  My sweet friend Melanie was gracious enough to gift Hudson with the curriculum book.  She's using it with her son and her in-home preschool.

Because we were on vacation last week, we started a little later than Labor Day.  But who cares?  I'm loving the flexibility of this.

Tuesday was our first day.  We do school Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for a total of about 45 minutes.  Though so far, it seems to be accomplished throughout the day in 15 minute intervals.  Again, loving the flexibility.

The obligatory First Day of School picture.

 We started Tuesday by getting Hudson his very own Library Card!  I forgot my camera sadly.  One thing I like about the curriculum is that she recommends a book or two each week.  I have about 17 boxes of books from my classroom library down in our basement, but even so I don't have all the books she recommends.  So off we went to check it out.  And the library didn't have it either!  Ha, life in a small town.  So we got some other ones and requested it from a neighboring library.

Each week focuses on a Bible story, a color, a shape, a book, fine and gross motor skills, and life skills.  This week it was creation Days 1-3, the color red, a circle, the book Llama Llama Red Pajama which we watched online, pouring, painting, and sitting still.  It was fun all around. Enjoy some random pictures from our first week.

This tiny glue bottle is the perfect size for Hudson's little hands.

Painting his circle red

Check out the concentration.  

Adding One apple to his tree

Letter & Number Fun in the bath!
Our friend Julie got Hudson this at his baby shower and I put them up until now.
Here's to 35 more weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this resource!! I'm excited to to check it out for Braxton. Hope you all are doing well!!
