Monday, September 3, 2012

Country Roads

This weekend Hudson and I made our first trip to Tennessee. James was feeling sickly so we left him at home to rest.  It was my parents' first time to see Hudson since he was born so we were excited to see everyone.

Grandaddy (My Dad) and Hudson, who's sporting his UT orange.

Grandma and Hudson, who was sound asleep taking a
much-needed (and oft elusive) mid-morning nap.

My parents' dog, Angel who was not sure about Hudson.
I don't think she appreciated this little one who was holding everyone's attention.

Angel's such a pretty dog.

Grandaddy & Hudson in their somewhat matching shirts.

Three generations of "Proctors."

Grandma, Grandaddy, and Hudson

Hudson and my BFF - Kay.

Hudson and my sister, Sharon.

Me and my nephew Woovens.

Woovens has a thing for the 5 Hour Energy Drink.
Fret not, he isn't allowed to drink it.

Woovens loving on Hudson.

Did you enjoy your trip to TN, Hudson?
I think that smile is a big fat YES.

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